We offer quality cars for very competitive prices.DIYATA JAPAN is one of the oldest used cars exporter in Japan. We have been in the field of exporting used cars for than 10 years to different parts of the globe.Our experience speaks for itself. We offer quality cars for very competitive prices.We mostly deal with Japanese brands like Toyota, Nissan, …e.t.c.We also deal with some foreign brands like, BMW, Subaru, Land Rover, ….e.t.c Irashaimasee!!!
総合評価4.5 921 レビュー件数 |
情報の正確性 | 4.4 |
コミュニケーション | 4.6 |
発送の速さ | 4.6 |
情報の正確性 | 4.8 |
コミュニケーション | 5.0 |
発送の速さ | 5.0 |
評価の期間を絞り込む お薦め度を絞り込む