JAPAN TIME: Jan / 27 / 2025 05:37 AM (JST)

How we use Cookies

This website uses Cookie for the following services to improve user’ experience.

Google Analytics

Our website uses Cookie information of users, which can be referred by Google Analytics, for analyzing the website visitors’ behaviors, and make various event plans for users. By using Google Analytics, we also may collect information such as Member’s ID and we may perform analysis in combination with the transaction data and aggregated data.

The services our Site have installed with regard to the advertising functions of Google Analytics is the integrated service which is necessary for Google Analytics remarketing, impression report of Google display network, report regarding the attribute and interest categories of users and collection of data for the purpose of advertising (including data collection by the Cookies and other identifier for advertising.

If you want to nullify these functions, please install Opt-out Browser Add-on. (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/)

Google AdWords/Facebook Ads

Our website uses Cookie information of users, which can be referred by Google AdWords and Facebook Ads, for confirming the result of advertisement distribution.

If you want to nullify these ads, please install Opt-out Browser Add-on. (https://support.google.com/ads/answer/2662856?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=ja) (https://www.facebook.com/help/109378269482053/?helpref=uf_share)

Google DoubleClick

Our website uses Cookie information of users, which can be referred by Google DoubleClick, for placing advertisement related to users. A Cookie itself does not contain personally identifiable information. Based on the result of analysis, Google will distribute advertisement of third party, which is customized and suitable for users.

If you want to nullify these functions, please access below.(https://support.google.com/ads/answer/2662922/)

*If you want to know more details of Google’s usage of your information collected by Google Analytics and Google Adsense, please refer to https://policies.google.com/privacy/partners.


This website uses Cookie information of users, which can be referred by ActiveCore Inc., for recommending most suitable used cars based on user’s browsing and action history. We entrust ActiveCore Inc. to customize the recommendable used car based on user data.

In the process of customization to display recommended used car for user, we do not associate with the highly sensitive categories of information such as race, religion, sexual orientation and health.

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